The dates
for this year's Ottawa JimiCup are Saturday, July 27 to Sunday, July 28,
As in the past, the event will be based out of River Run Paddling Centre,
near Beachburg, Ont. We will be camped in the "Upper Campground"
section of the (paddler) campground. River Run will be offering discounted
rates this year to JimiCup attendees.
River Run offers an unparalleled level of accessibility to the river - it
has it's own takeout facilities at the end of the run, unlike the other campgrounds
on the river. It is close to the put-in, and has excellent camping facilities,
showers, and a small shop where you can buy sunscreen and other sundries you
may have left at home. There is a meal plan that you can buy into, though
this is discouraged as our put-in and take-out times may not coincide with
the set mealtimes of River Run's kitchen. For those who aren't into being
their own cook, there are several restaurants in the nearby towns of Beachburg
and Cobden that should satisfy most folks' tastes. Fast-food addicts will
find a Wendy's, a McDonald's, and a Tim Horton's in Renfrew, just forty minutes'
drive from River Run.